Friday, August 26, 2005

Oral Chelation – Is it Better than Intravenous Chelation?

Intravenous Chelation was the most common practice until a few years back; however, with the introduction of oral chelation it became the preferred choice of most patients and doctors. There were a number of contributing factors to this shift of choice, the prime aspect being the cost factor. Though intravenous chelation would not cost you a fortune, still the cost will be way above the price of Oral Chelation. This initiated the use of oral chelation among the customers who were using intravenous chelation. Once they started using it on a regular basis the other benefits of oral chelation became more evident.

Mercury Chelation
One of the major advantages of Oral chelation is its capability to chelate Mercury from the body. EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid) injected in intravenous chelation cannot bond with Mercury but the organic substances used in oral chelation agents bonds successfully with mercury and eliminate them from the body.

Oral Chelation – a painless process
Oral chelation involves nothing but taking 1-2 spoon full of doses of medicine. Most of these are based on some tasty ingredient like honey or jelly and are extremely delicious. Intravenous chelation involved painful process with risk of infection and vascular incision. In addition, intravenous chelation would often lead to other side effects like pain, fever, fall of blood pressure etc.

Most of the drugs used for oral chelation are not prescription drug and are easily available to most of the people.

Side Effects
Oral Chelation is mostly free from side effects and there is hardly any problem with using these chelating agents. However, if you encounter any minor problems like headache, fatigue or muscle pain it is advisable to increase your water intake. 8-10 glasses of water everyday would help the medicine to work more effectively without any of these occasional side effects.

Preventive Benefits
Oral chelation therapy is a safe and convenient method of preventing and curing heavy metal toxicity. The chelating agents helps in lowering blood cholesterol, prevent blood clots and reduces heart attacks.

Oral chelation agents like PCA-rx (available at Oral Chelation Therapy) can also work as a preventive medicine for people with family history of heart disease, stressful lifestyle and or unhygienic dietary person.

The only situation in which intravenous chelation might score over oral chelation is when the patient is under severe conditions. Oral chelation generally takes a few months to work, so if the patient is in immediate need for medicines intravenous chelation may be a better option than oral chelation.

Comments: This article has been written by me (under the pseudonym of "Ray Smith")and is going to be circulated through different ezines and article sites within a few days. This article is free to reprint provided it is reproduced in tis entirity along with the link embedded in the content and a short Authors' byline.

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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Health Education – The Key to a Healthy Life

Summary: This article digs down to the primary reason of all health problems—lack of knowledge and awareness. Educates and inspires the readers to take more interest in gaining an insight to the basic systems in the human anatomy and also points to resources that can be highly effective towards understanding of the human body systems.

Have you ever wondered why in spite of all your efforts you cannot stay absolutely fit and healthy, the way you have always dreamt to be? The answer is simple, due to our lack of knowledge about health and the human anatomy system. The more knowledge and understanding of the human anatomy we will have the easier it would be for us to remain healthy and fit.

According to a recent study, a vast majority of the American population are health illiterate. They either do not have enough of health information or they are unable to interpret the available health information to control their health and maintain optimum fitness. It also showed, lack of information to be the most important factor contributing towards the majority deaths. Moreover, it was also determined that our diseases are primarily a result of stress, food, environment, attitude, emotions or beliefs that triggers certain unhealthy behavior. So, to stay fit we need to refrain from such unhealthy behaviors and that can be done only when there is enough information for us to differentiate between a healthy and harmful behavior. From this, the easiest and most important conclusion that we can arrive at is that we need to have more information about our health and the human anatomy.

Now, the second question is, do we really try to get enough of health information? Today when the entire world is connected through the information highway on the internet it is really difficult to find a good reason for this lack of knowledge. The internet is full of websites that would educate anyone about the details of health and human anatomy. There are even sites that provide you with anatomy animation that is both interesting and easier to understand the functioning of the human anatomy system. When medical students can use resources like this why don’t we spend some time looking at these things? Animations of cardiovascular system or the animated display of how our eye works would definitely help anyone to have a better understanding of the systems and accordingly modify their behavior to remain fit and healthy.

A basic idea of cardiac psychology can be highly effective in understanding the detail of the simultaneous pressure characteristics in the heart (left atrium and left ventricle) and the blood flow through the different blood vessels during a cardiac cycle. In this rising trend of cardiac failures and increasing heart problems a basic understanding of the cardiovascular system can definitely be a major help to maintain a healthy body.

We must understand staying healthy is not difficult, all it requires is a bit of understanding of the human anatomy, how the different systems within our body works and some information on how we can make them work even better. We should make it a point to cultivate healthy habits that would help us to obtain the maximum level of fitness.

Author's Bio: Ray Smith is a marketing expert with years of experience in different industries and specialized knowledge on branding and internet marketing. He also undertakes content writing jobs on a freelance basis.
Anatomy Animation -Human anatomy through animation.
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