Adult ADD - Not a disease but the hidden key to success!
The human genome project says ADD/ADHD is genetic. While only about 10% of the general population has this gene most of the self made rich and famous have the ADD/ADHD gene. Now why is it so that ADD/ADHD helps some people to be extremely successful while most others keep struggling just to survive? The main difference is in the way it is perceived.
While most ADD/ADHD therapies try to make one more "normal", one needs to realize the immense potential that one possesses being a carrier of the ADD/ADHD gene. ADD/ADHD gene affects the brain's relationship with dopamine. This difference causes one to crave stimulation, which is achieved through doing things in different way. To satisfy their need for stimulation people take risks, seeks thrill, and becomes bolder. This temperament that comes from the ADD/ADHD gene is similar to the temperament that makes rock stars, inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, leaders and billionaires. It is imperative for rock stars to be thrill seeking but how does it help someone to be a billionaire? Well, we all know the key to getting rich is taking risks and the ADD/ADHD gene stimulates a man to take risks. So it is the ADD/ADHD gene that prompts to take the necessary action, which is required for one to be successful.
Unfortunately, in our society ADD/ADHD patients are not considered "normal" and in attempt to normalize them often a potential rock star, entrepreneur or billionaire is lost. Also, in attempt to be normal, often people with ADD/ADHD gene suppress their normal action, which is never the way one should follow. Why should you struggle to be a 9-to-5-office worker while you have the full potential to be the next Bill Gates?
There are certain special conditions that are required to unlock the genius behind the ADD/ADHD and this are neither taught nor encouraged in our society. Conditions that bring out the brilliance of those activated gene are disturbing to the "normal" population because they do not have enough energy and creativity to support this different approach to life.
The only difference between a successful entrepreneur, leader, rock star or artist with ADD/ADHD and another person struggling to get along with his ADD/ADHD traits is that the former have intuitively discovered the secret strength of their genetics and used it to their full potential while the later is trying to get away from it and be a "normal person. But should that be the way? No, definitely not. One needs to realize the full potential that is there in the ADD/ADHD gene. "The Davinci Method" would help you discover the success traits that's hidden in those ADD/ADHD gene and set you on your journey from "disordered" to greatness that has been traveled by people like Einstein and Edison - so why should you be left behind?