Thursday, March 16, 2006

Eye Exercises – Are They Really Useful?

Today most of us work out in a gym or go for a morning walk, we are all conscious about our health but do we really take care of all our vital body parts? We are busy flexing our biceps and triceps but did we ever care to do any exercise for those tiny muscles in our eyes? Some of you might even laugh at the concept of doing exercise for your eyes, however, the fact is eye exercises are extremely useful and can immensely improve your eyesight.

While people still go for eye surgery and lasic treatments most of these issues can be successfully cured with regular eye exercises. Not only that, a person who regularly does these exercises is highly unlikely to have any eye problems. It has been proved that people can improve their eyesight without resorting to surgery or lenses.

It has been noticed that most eye exercises are rooted from continuous staring at a particular scene. The muscles of the eyes get strained under such condition. Eye exercises help the eye muscles to relax and improve the functionality of the optical nerve. While people with eye problems can be cured by these exercises people with normal vision can also do these to improve their vision further.

It has been observed most of the eye problems are often due to lack of eye-brain coordination. Martin Sussman, founder of the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision & author of the best-selling Program for Better Vision states in his book how to re-train your eye and brain to work together properly. The best part is that, these exercises can be done by one and all and would hardly take a few minutes a day.

Most of the vision problems are habitual, caused due to unconscious strain and tension. Program for Better Vision helps you to relearn the healthy habits that relax and protect your eyes. If followed properly, the Program for Better Vision can get you your natural eyesight without any glasses or specs in less than 8 weeks.

Martin suggests that the best way to care for your eyes is to nourish and rest them. Eyes are nourished by light and the best nourishment for eyes is Sunlight. It is advisable to spend at least 15 minutes a day outside your home without any glasses or lenses so that the eye can absorb the unfiltered sunlight.

The type of indoor lighting is also important. Dr. John Ott has developed an internal light which is most likely the closest substitute to sunlight. This Vita Lite can easily replace any normal fluorescent light.

Your eyes are rested by total darkness. The best way to rest you eyes is to close your eyes and placed your cuffed palm over the eyes. Try to visualize a pleasant scenario in your imagination and you will be highly refreshed.

Nurturing and resting your eyes can be done simultaneously. Close your eyes and face the sun. Let the sunlight fall on your closed eyes for 5-10 seconds and then put your palm over your eyes for another 5-10 seconds. You will have to repeat these steps at least 10 times for a total of 3-4 minutes.

All these and many more valuable guidance for eye exercise to see clearly can be found at http://www.program-for-better-business .


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